Wednesday, November 20, 2024

two work from home jobs at the same time

My work at this time is "hybrid". It's primarily work from home. Going to the office is generally optional. Sometimes there's some kind of special event and everyone is expected to be on site in person. Some members of my team are not in the city where the office is. They would have to travel to appear in person at the office. For myself I live nearby and I try to go to the office at least once a week.

There is some anecdotal and other stories about people who simultaneously work two or more WFH jobs at the same time, each employer unknown to the other. While I don't recommend this and I don't do it myself, it is possible and has been done with some levels of success. Of course the most successful at it are the ones where it is never found out, never disclosed. The stories that come out are those that sooner or later got caught. Some thoughts on how to manage it occurred to me

Saturday, August 10, 2024

now ads free

If there were still any regulars they would have noticed that the ads are no more on this site. The blog loads faster now.

After a long run of nearly 20 years I disconnected from Google AdSense. There was enough in there for a modest cashout. There was no realistic path to the required AdSense cashout level so I just closed the account to get what was in there and call it good.

The original dream from 2005 was to hopefully pull maybe $30 a month blogging for dollars. That dollar a day dream never materialized. Back then 30 a month would have been material. See debt. Today I'd rather have an extra 30 than lose 30 at the end of each month but as of this moment I'm fortunate it doesn't make much difference one way or the other.

Onward and upwards. There were a few regulars for a few years. The site never generated much search engine traffic for whatever reason. Blogging had a good heyday. Blogs were a bit sadly kind of displaced by social media Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. This site will live on demonetized.

Thursday, February 01, 2024

Working on Sunday

My dishwasher hasn't been working well lately. A busy repairman said he was fine to come by on a Sunday to look at it. Usually I try to take it easy on Sundays and avoid work. He had a bit of a point that it was him doing the work

Friday, January 12, 2024

survivors bias and nervous breakdown

I grew up believing that nervous breakdown was very rare, and being on the verge of a nervous breakdown was somewhat common. Years later I wonder if nervous breakdown was more frequent than I believed.

Tuesday, January 02, 2024

The Russian front

There was an interview on CTV News a couple of days ago. The talking head felt that if Russia won in Ukraine, then this was just the first phase in an eventual Russian invasion of Western Europe. The Ukrainian supporter theory was that the West should thus bring greatest effort to the Ukraine conflict. I thought about this a bit and what the West perhaps should do at this point at the end of 2023 and into the beginning of 2024