Sunday, March 07, 2010


It was a fine day yesterday and nice again today. Maybe an early spring? We'll see, March can be pretty variable. I was in a good mood yesterday.

Yesterday I got some new yellow ink for my printer. I went to inkjet exchange but the West End mall location was closed. Luckily they still have a Burnside location and so I made a trip to Dartmouth. While at west end I was in The Bay and picked up some Stanfield's underwear. It was 30% off, and made in Nova Scotia I always get that.

In the early evening I was in the south end. I never get tired of the south end. I sometimes wish I'd lived there back in the past when I had the chance to. Went up Kent St. of course and stopped in at Queen St. Sobeys for something. Also picked up a little treat at the Needs. Apropos of nothing one of my favorite songs is little red corvette.

I just discovered a great contemporary commentator. It's Mark Steyn. He has a way of saying what I think in a way that is reasoned and to the point. Here's an example. I'm glad to see the Review is still around. It's a great magazine from the Bill Buckley days. I used to read it all the time at SMU. For balance I used to also read Canadian Dimension and the Nation. The Review still gets it right. I've added the Steyn RSS feed to my Yahoo home page.

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