Friday, June 04, 2010

The Ken Fells Graham Creighton incident

Most here in Nova Scotia have been the Ken Fells video

Incredibly after this happened the school board staff, led by superintendent Carole Olsen tried to have principal Fells fired. What a disgrace! Failing to confirm the principal's authority inside the school walls. Instead siding with the miscreant and undermining the principal. It's Olsen who needs to be fired, not Fells. Good thing the elected school board had at least some sense to back Fells, at least a bit.

It's pretty bad the direction society is going. Led by the education system. In New Brunswick a principal agrees to pull Oh Canada from the school and he doesn't lose his job. He took no sanction at all over that. In Nova Scotia a principal confronts a bully and stands his ground when the bully decides that he wants to blow right past him; and he loses his job over it.

It came up on the Steve Murphy CTV interview with Irvine Carvery about race in the Fells case. They've got it wrong. Carvery is right, this isn't at all about race. It's actually about gender. Ken Fells ran afoul of the modern feminized society. Look at those who want him fired. Carole Olsen, her female dominated school board staff, her NDP activist university professor husband.

The punk openly challenged the principal's authority on the school grounds, challenged Fells manhood. Ken Fells taught those students and anyone who saw the video a valuable life lesson. He showed them how a real man acts.

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