Friday, August 30, 2019

Glad to see Brad Pitt doing better

So apparently Angelina Jolie is felling better and stronger now enews, metro with a couple of movies coming out.

well isn't that nice. personally, I'm glad to see Brad Pitt doing better after being cleared in FBI abuse investigation.

the whole thing with Brad was dubious from the start. a lie. now he is cleared and it's good. good for him. good in a way for all formerly married men who find themselves facing these sudden abuse allegations after their marriages end.

I got thinking about why Brad was able to win. I came up with these reasons in order of importance

1. resources Brad has vast wealth and was able to hire top notch lawyers, private investigators, PR flacks, etc. he was always able to properly defend himself against false allegations.

2. access to mass media and fair coverage Brad has powerful friends in Hollywood and the mass media. Notice there was no piling on effect on Brad when the allegations came out. Brad was able to ensure the coverage was at least reasonably fair of the allegations. If it came to it, Brad could probably have enabled his own side to get out via a 60 minutes segment, Vanity Fair cover, etc. turns out the correct media strategy (nice to be a be able to afford great publicists per #1 above) was to lay low, let the investigation run its course, be cleared, emerge on top.

3. muscle Brad wasn't going to be intimidated or bullied by FBI or local police goons with their broad shoulders and guns. per #1, Brad can afford his own bodyguards. they have big muscles too, and guns. also with the resources for top legal help, you wouldn't see Brad interrogated for hours with no lawyer present, or his house ransacked with no warrant; at the orders of some maliciously-motivated allegations.

4. willing to fight regular suburban dads in Brad's situation of false allegations often give up. perhaps agree to an extremely unfair and unfavourable divorce settlement, and the abuse allegations disappear as suddenly as they appeared. who can blame them, facing financial ruin, permanent separation from the kids, and even jail. Brad from #1 above had the resources to properly defend himself. with that it may have motivated him to stand and fight and ultimately be vindicated

5. was actually innocent yeah that. the allegations were false and Brad was cleared. I put this at the end intentionally. unfortunately it is a known thing when these allegations come up apropos of divorce, that the guys all too often are unable to properly defend themselves and miscarriage of justice occurs. this time the good guys won.


Has there been an investigation into the original false accusation against Brad? where did that start? also if there was some issue why didn't Angelina say anything all those years they were together.

perhaps someone in law enforcement should listen and believe reports that Brad Pitt was falsely accused of abuse. follow up and find the original source of the false allegations. uttering false abuse allegations is itself a crime.

what's sad is that Angelina is the bad parent. she took her kids into a hot war zone to advance her UN career. recklessly endangered their safety, threw her own kids under the bus, for her own personal benefit and aggrandizement. who again was the bad parent in that marriage? yet it was Brad under FBI investigation. funny about that

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