Trump was well ahead and pulling away in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Then count updates ceased. Then we're told counting had been stopped and would resume the next day.
The next day awake to hear that overnight, despite counting being supposedly "stopped", still they had all "flipped" through the dark of night over to Biden.
And so it goes. It is what it is. Joe did brag during the campaign that he had the greatest voter fraud organization ever created.
I'm inclined to take him at his word. There's some appearance that they pulled it off for Joe. That's what it could be seen as.
So where to from here for the deplorables
So this election could usher in effective one-party rule in America, under the Democratic Party.
In the three boxes progression, this is where things are now at thenthe ballot box
the jury box
the cartridge box
I don't expect rioting or violence in the near term from the chumps. That's the Antifa way. The deplorables are builders, not destroyers. There's no real history of it among the Trump supporters. There may be some more quiet or passive, personal type resistance. Less volunteerism, less civic participation, pessimism, cynicism, tuning out, more openness to at least listen to perhaps less mainstream solutions. But as long as paycheques (mostly comparable to the Trump era for most), social security and medicare keep flowing; then it may be the continued ongoing decline of certain demographics, after the renewed vigour of the Trump era. fewer children, declining life expectancy, opioids and alcoholism, declining standard of living, failed relationships.
So what could this new era look like. One-party or similar rule is hardly new to democracy.
In Japan the Liberal Democratic Party LDP
has almost continuously been in power since its foundation in 1955—a period called the 1955 System—with the exception of a period between 1993 and 1994, and again from 2009 to 2012Japan has done pretty well for itself during that time. I somewhat remember the 1993 turfing out of the LDP, though I didn't realize how quickly they were back in office.
In Russia the Soviet Union Communist Party ruled for about 70 years. Back in junior high in the early 1980s I remember a teacher insisted that the Soviet Union had democracy, despite "elections" only containing one option on the ballots. She said that within the Party, there was competition and democracy/voting to advance into leadership positions. So the "democracy" happened within the Communist party, which was of course tightly integrated with the leadership and management of the Soviet State.
In modern Germany it is a duopoly, a modified form of one-party. After each proportional representation election, the Christian Democrats and Social Democrats form a governing coalition. The only thing that may change from elections is which of them leads.
Germany and Japan are modern prosperous first-world nations. More homogenous, less diverse, both in demographics and geography than the USA today. The Soviet Union was geographically and ethnically diverse, a military superpower, and an economic second-world nation. The Soviet Union failed in 1991.
One thing that I'd expect to see under Democratic Socialism Party USA is more of a move toward international world government, with less national sovereignty. Perhaps a kind of global federalism model, where individual sovereign contries today are more like States or Provinces under an overarching global federal government. It's not yet clear what form this increasing globalism would take or the speed at which it would be implemented.
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