Monday, March 29, 2021

Sarah Silvervan leaves the democratic party


In recent news Sarah Silverman has left the democratic party.  I'd only vaguely heard of her. I knew her as a loudmouth blue checkmark ani-Trump. how original. 

It appeared her political career had stalled or regressed. In 2016 she was a speaker up on stage at the DNC convention. In 2020 she was replaced, no longer a speaker at the convention. like Sandra Fluke.

As far as I follow it, her tireless work and crude stunts for the Democratic party didn't seem to especially lift her entertainment career either.

I noticed she waited a few weeks after Joe Biden was installed to make this announcement. I guess at this point the political appointments are all done, and she didn't get one of them. Finding herself used up and discarded like a Bill Clinton mistress, Sarah makes this attention-seeking move for herself on the democrats.

so you're leaving? okay, sure, whatever. shrug. good luck. I suspect there are a decent number of C and D list Hollywood entertainers willing to take her place, her role, in the democrat party to see if they can increase their entertainment career, or launch a political career.

speaking of which, remember that thing with Hollywood and the UN? haven't heard much from Angelina Jolie or Emma Watson around that of late. meh w/e. I wonder what tolls they may have paid to get in at the UN. It just didn't have much impact, Ms. Watson among the wealthiest, highest paid persons in the world, harping about underpaid women.

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