Friday, June 22, 2018

B.C. Place streaker tackled

So now the B.C. Place streaker I guess known only as "Surrey Man", let's call him SM, has hired Preszler Law Firm in Vancouver. Real classy case to link your reputation to Preszler. sheesh, disgraceful. Stringing out his 15 seconds of fame, hiring a lawyer to see if it can be monetized, attempting an inversion by bizarrely now representing that he is the victim. What an embarrassment. SM should seek to lay low, keep quiet, make this shameful episode in his life pass over. Notice that SM per CBC story
A spokesman for Preszler Law Firm said their client did not want to be identified.
why doesn't he want to be identified if he did nothing wrong? is there something to hide or be ashamed of? state your name (his face is pretty visible from the pics and video) if you are an innocent victim and want to sue.

Did the player Marcell Young do anything wrong? Clearly the answer to this is no. He acted appropriately. In video from an angle in the stands, SM walks straight past security. Only a single security guard comes out on the field from that stands angle to confront or impede SM. The guard is large and slow moving. The guard waves ineffectually as SM goes by, making no real effort to give chase, lunge in his way, or stop him.

So to player Young, it was clear that security had abdicated their responsibility to protect the players. They were on their own. Now was there any threat to respond to? Who knows, Young had no way to know if SM was armed or dangerous. He was certainly acting dangerously by being on the field, apparently under the influence of some kind of drugs or alcohol, moving toward the players and Young personally.

Also there have been cases recently with fentanyl where paramedics have become seriously ill and died, just by being touched by it. So there is that new risk now just off someone's hands can basically be a weapon from fentanyl. It was reasonable for Young to believe in this circumstance there may have been a danger.

So Young did what he had to to protect himself and his teammates. Where security failed, he used appropriate but not excessive force to counter a real, uncertain, and unpredictable threat. Young exercised quick thinking and watched out for his teammates and himself.

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