Friday, October 28, 2022

a progression in spending

this is how government spending, and the financing of government spending, has progressed in the last few decades. these the first decades of the post WWII welfare state

1960s: tax and spend
new and higher taxes normalized to pay for major social programs

1970s-1990s: tax and borrow and spend
deficits normalized. government spending surpasses taxes collected. public debt rapidly increases at all levels

2000s-today: tax and borrow and print and spend
printing becomes normalized. spending outstrips taxation and borrowing capacity. a new term quantitative easing appears. fifteen years after the financial crisis of 2007-2008 there is still temporary printing aka quantitative easing. the appearance of Covid-19 provides cover for more extraordinary measures

the concept of a structural deficit is introduced. units of discussion switch from billion to trillion

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Were they out of capital letters at the capital letter store?