Monday, October 22, 2018

Software Update Bulletin: Antifa Action Pack Add-On

There is a new version available for the NPC Antifa Action Pack Add-On. NPCs running the optional Antifa Action Pack module are requested to update to software version 2.414 or higher at earliest opportunity.

Version 2.414 and higher fixes this issue
NPC-8689 NPCs in Manhattan enter AttackMode incorrectly. get beaten up

The defect can be observed in this video

The problem is in the ConfrontProudBoys.cpp module. Basically the GetFavorability() function had a bug where in some scenarios the score was calculated incorrectly. As a result of NPC-8689 the NpcFightGroup activated AttackMode incorrectly. From the video it can be seen the NPCs initiated the fight by throwing the bottle. So they were in AttackMode at that point.

This update fixes the heuristics behind GetFavorability() to give more weight to these factors in the calculation
  • ratio of NpcFightGroup members to ProudBoysOpponent
  • proximity of nearby police
Going forward the ratio must be at least 2:1. otherwise GetFavorability() will return a negative number and AttackMode will not activate. In the NYC video it was a straight up 4 on 4 square off of antifa NPC versus Proud Boys. Unfortunately the result was the Proud Boys kicked their antifa asses.

The police proximity is also given increased weight in the calculation. In the Manhattan video the Proud Boys put it to the defeated NpcFightGroup for some time before the NYPD cops come in and break it up. Previous versions did not properly account for the fight not going as planned and requiring police intervention if they lost. Starting in version 2.414 fixes this and AttackMode will not activate without some police nearby in case things go sideways in the fight.

The fallback behavior for GetFavorability() returning a negative number remains the same. In StagingMode NPCs in the NpcFightGroup are programmed to seek toward these goals
  • shout insults at ProudBoysOpponent from a safe distance using the standard canned list of slogans and insults
  • recruit additional nearby NPCs to join the NpcFightGroup

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