Friday, October 19, 2018

Urgent Message for Jordan Hunt

Jordan, please immediately update your software to version 4.5019 or higher. This version fixes the defect

NPC-8611 Unexpected counter to "what if she was raped" causes crash and violence

The manifestation of this defect can be observed in this video from Toronto

The problem is in the ConfrontProLife.cpp module. Basically there was a bug where if pro-life BadPerson has a reasonable response to "what if she was raped" (WISWR), then NPC does not have programming to continue the conversation. Instead a seg fault occurs in ConfrontProLife and npcOS panic reboots.

This can be observed in the video where Jordan was unable to verbalize a reply to the WISWR response and instead stands there with his tongue out for several seconds. The tongue out and silence demonstrates the crash and reboot.

Unfortunately due to another bug NPC-8618 the reboot is into FightMode. In FightMode NPC physically attacks the BadPerson previously conversing with. This can be observed in the video where Jordan irrationally roundhouse kicks the pro-life woman upon reboot in FightMode.

This bug is also fixed starting in 4.5019. Going forward an unhandled exception in ConfrontProLife.cpp will reset into WalkAwayAndWin mode. In this mode the NPC just calls the BadPerson a fascist and walks away to nearest nearby blue hair NPC for HighFive and PositiveFeedback, believing that he won the verbal confrontation with pro-life BadPerson.

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