Tuesday, February 08, 2011

moved in

I reached a milestone over the past weekend. I finally unpacked the last box from my move last August. It was a few pictures which I've now put up on various walls. I had to make a trip to Canadian Tire for the stuff to hang them but it wasn't real hard to do.

So that's finally done. It took a while since I moved in August. Getting the pictures up was about the third post move project. I had got the new bed in first; then replaced the blinds from the previous tenant with my own new ones. It took longer than I thought it would to get through them all. There were a few distractions away from the place that were time consuming.

So that should be it for now with the apartment. Maybe in August it will be the anniversary of the move there's some stuff that should be done. For sure get a proper entertainment stand to replace the broken old coffee table I use now. Replace the old ugly easy chair with a newer, more comfortable model. New kitchen table chairs; but keeping the vintage kitchen table though. The manager's chair here at the computer could stand to be upgraded.

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